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Originator: Glasscock / Falk,1964
Colour: Deep, velvety red

Form: Double
Bloom Time: Late

Side Buds: No
Height: Medium
Fragrance: No
Peony Group: Herbaceous Hybrid

Distinction: 1997 APS Gold Medal, 2009 APS Award of Landscape Merit, Self supporting, late hybrid blooms
APS Registry Entry:


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Description:  Old Faithful represents a monumental achievement in peony breeding in terms of the phenomenal landscape qualities the plant possesses. Simply put, it is one of the best red peonies and one of the finest peonies in existence. Highly prized by peony enthusiasts for one of the most well-rounded, stalwart performances, Old Faithful is a must-have peony. The large, velvety, rich red flowers can approach 8 inches and are heavily and densely packed with waves and ripples of waxy, incurved petals of incredible substance. Flowers are borne on some of the strongest stems seen in peonies, producing a very upright habit, and this cannot be overstated. Stamens occasionally peak through the dense rows of petals, especially in younger plants, but are less commonly seen in mature and well-grown specimens. Broad leaflets of deep green make the foliage especially attractive. Old Faithful displays a spectacular fade as flowers transition through fuschia hues to a soft cerise-pink colour.  Excellent cut flower qualities. Flowers exceptionally late for a herbaceous hybrid. Simply one of the best peonies you can grow. 

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