NO ID #2
Colour: Deep Magenta-Pink
Form: Double
Bloom Time: Late
Side Buds: None observed; possible in future years
Height: Medium, increased height possible in future growing years
Fragrance: Mild
Peony Group: Lactiflora
Distinction: None
APS Registry Entry: Unknown; plant sold to me misidentified
Click image to enlarge.
Description: A plant sold to me under the cultivar name 'White Cap' (a Japanese form), which is certainly misidentified. The resulting plant is clearly of lactiflora origin with flowers that I suspect will become more petal-packed with maturity and may have the potential to be a good cut flower. It's likely that this is a peony commonly available in commerce like 'Karl Rosenfield', but as there are many peonies with the colour and form, it's impossible to assign an ID with any level of certainty now that its identity is unknown. Stems were self supporting under the weight of the flower during fair conditions, but may required staking in the view landscape for best results during inclement weather. Selling as the entire clump.